Each year, our compliance and investigations lawyers around the world take stock of the bribery and corruption trends of the preceding year and begin anticipating the important issues of the next. While none of us have a crystal ball, we are pleased to share our outlook for 2019, based on industry news and data, recent engagements, and client feedback.
In this edition, we address how changes in leadership in governments and new policy pronouncements are impacting the anticorruption enforcement landscape. Despite conservative, nationalist agendas permeating the political landscape of several of the world’s most powerful countries, globalization continues. And so does enforcement of anti-bribery regulations throughout the world. Therefore, companies and the individuals who run them must take heed of the ever-expanding enforcement regimes and plan proactively for compliance and management of these significant risks.
For the first time this year, we have invited attorneys from the in-house bar in the Americas to co-author with us. These are people who, like many of our readers, are responsible for managing their organizations’ compliance programming related to these laws. We appreciate the importance of their perspectives and unique input to our readers, and we are grateful for their participation.
Our forward-looking analysis aims to assist our readers in compliance programming and investigations decision-making as the year is beginning to take shape.